20 October 2004


I'm giggling. This is a strange feeling. My first post to no audience, or an unknown mysterious one.

The best moment in my day today was a message on my cell phone from my dear Abuelita. She was calling to report that the small plants I'd given her months ago (1 tomato, 1 pepper, 1 melon) were now bearing healthy fruit and vegetables. I was absolutely sure that they would thrive. Abuelita is one who cares for things, living or non-living, with more love and care than just about anyone I know. I brought them to her just after her sister passed away. Abuelita bears loss so honestly and completely and amidst that she manages to love life all the more. It is probably already evident that she is a role model for me, an angel really.


silvie said...

Amos, I seem to have deleted your comment and two of mine back to you. A great surprise to hear from you. What has it been, 10 years? Yes, I live in Indiana. And you? How are things?

Hola amigo Bill, I enjoyed your travelogue. Yes, let's get together next time you are in town. You can come by my house maybe. We can walk to the park down the street and run through the kiddie sprinklers. Will be in touch.

Anonymous said...

Hey Silvia,

Very cool that you've got a blog! That's wonderful that your grandma is still alive and well - I remember you loving her very much...

silvie said...

who writes above?

Ned said...

or an mysterious audience made up of folks who knew you way back when!

Anonymous said...

Oops, sorry Silvia... That comment about Abuelita was from me, Heidi. I'm posting anonymously b/c it's easier/quicker, but I forgot to sign my message...

silvie said...

Hi Heidi! What is your email address?