17 December 2004

The word from Michael is that Pat McD's annual holiday party is on! Date is Dec 23 starting at 6p. I'm planning to go and then on to the Patio to hear Otis Gibbs and Tad Robinson. (Btw, I've been in touch with Angie Watson (formerly Phelan) and she says to say hello to everyone.)

Below is a poem that Eliza, my neice, wrote when she was 8 years old. I love the line about the paint roller.


Shy is blue as bluebird's eggs
hidden in a bush.
Shy is a chipmunk
always hiding.
Shy is a cloud
always covering the sun.
Shy is a door
open to some and closed to others.
Shy sounds like a paint roller
rolling paint.
Shy moves like a bunny.
Shy lives in you


Peptide said...

I didn't know bluebird eggs were blue.
if only kids ruled the earth.

silvie said...


Anonymous said...


Awesome poem. Hopefully she'll skip the horrible poem writing years of misunderstood alienation and continue to write this lovely prose.

bill said...


silvie said...

is that my friend david b?